LIFTING TOPP is a cosmetic procedure, with results that are comparable to those offered by zebiegi plastic surgery. During the operation, when the mask cools and works, followed by intense exercise the muscles, increased blood circulation and improving skin metabolism. With this treatment the skin is very absorbent, which increases the effectiveness of the preparations to be imposed on it. TOPP LIFTING treatment adds spectacular visual effect of tension and skin firming after one treatment.
- For women and men
- Particularly flabby skin with visible signs of aging
- Sagging contours of the face, double chin
- Any type of skin requires nutrition, improve health
- Cold color of skin, smoker's skin
- fast and efficient lifting muscle and skin after a single treatment
- exercise and muscle strengthening
- to improve skin elasticity and firmness
- increase blood circulation and stimulate skin metabolism
- smooth and wrinkle smoothing
- anti-aging skin
the frequency of treatments depends on skin condition and age, best results are achieved after a series of 10 treatments 2x a week
series can be repeated after six months.
To sustain the effects of 1-2 treatments per month.
The procedure can be used once.
- Due to increase microcirculation of blood after surgery followed by local hyperemia and redness HYPERAEMIA, which is normal for that disappears after about 45 minutes.
- Because during the surgery, there TOPP LIFTING spontaneous micro massage, massage should not be performed manually, so as not to lead to overtraining muscle
- When applying for a series of acne treatments in the initial stage may be activated zmain trądzikowych.Poprawa skin condition occurs at a later stage - not recommended to apply makeup immediately after surgery, and exposure to sun or tanning bed